Friday 3 June 2011

Exam tips (During the Exam) and a new Transformice blog!

Hi people! I'm sorry I haven't been posting much lately, but I've been busy with a lot of things. Exams, projects, stuff...and a new blog! In case you haven't already noticed, I created a new blog about the game Transformice (remember?)

No, the blog does not have tips of how to play the game. (I am a noob myself :P). However, it does have a interesting story about the Game. Here's a brief introduction:

A simple game of gathering cheese turns deadly for the mice when a dark force siezes control of the Game from its two creator, Melibellule and Tigrounette. Turned against their own creation, even the two powerful Creators are left helpless and desperate. Now, two very different mice must come together to help Melibellule and Tigrounette save not just the World of Transformice, but the lives of every single mouse in the Game. 

A Bad Joke...

I'm sorry for the rather bad plot synopsis. I'm pretty bad at writing those :P. But, anyway, please go read my blog! Comments on how to improve are welcome, as long as they are constructive. And not stuff like, "This sux", "Your writing is like crap", etc, etc, you know.
And even though the exams are already over, I still feel the need to give some tips on how to survive during the exams. And by the way, if you were wondering, I did okay for my exams. I've always been a straight-A student and this time is no different. However, even thought I did fine in general, my Mathematics sucked.

No more rambling about my results, here are the tips:

10 Tips on What to Do During the Exams

1) Before the teacher says "Start!", check if you have all the stationery with you. If you don't, quickly raise your hand and request for what you need. This is important as if you were to find out that you lack some stationery when the exam had already started, you would be wasting your own precious exam time requesting for stationery.

2) DON'T panic! Whatever you do, don't panic. Just don't. Even if you don't know how to do a single question on the paper, don't panic.

3) If your mind suddenly goes blank, take a few deep breathes and tell yourself silently, I CAN DO THIS! As long as you have revised and studied for the exam, you will be able to do well. Believe in yourself.

4) Try not to go to the toilet/drink water/do anything non-related to the paper while taking the exam. Always drink enough water and go to the toilet before the exam. You don't want to waste your precious exam time going to the washroom.

5) Check, check, check. After you finish the paper, check, check and check. No one is NOT careless. Even if you are sure all your answers are correct- check.

6) If you get bored during the exam, do the paper again. This time, do it carefully with text annotation and highlight keywords, if you didn't already do it before. Yes, I mean even for Mathematics/Science papers. See if your answers from both times match up.

7) Try to plan your time beforehand. Set a duration of time for yourself to do each section in the paper. Give easier sections less time and harder sections more time (obvious...)

8) Keep an eye on the clock, or your watch. Finish about 10 questions on your paper and check the time. Do faster if you are slower than you planned (Read Tip 7). If you don't, you may end up having not enough time to complete the paper.

9) Skip questions that you don't know. If you don't know a question, think through it again. Still can't find the answer, skip. Get back to them after you finished the whole paper. However, be sure to make an obvious mark on each page where you skipped answers, or you may forget to do them.

10) If you don't feel like doing the exam paper, think about what you can do after the paper. For example: If you think this paper is too hard and you just want to give up, think about that outing you were planning with your friends, or that computer game you want to try out or in general, stuff you look forward to doing. In order to do these stuff, you have to finish the paper first. However, make sure you don't get too engrossed in thinking about these things that you are distracted from your paper.

11) This is for after the exam: PARTEH!!!! I'm pretty sure I don't have to tell you what to do :D.

Do I sound very boring after giving you all these tips? Like your teacher, or parents, perhaps? Well, just bear with me for a bit. After all, I didn't copy these tips from anywhere. I wrote them out myself. If you actually read and follow them, you'll should be able to do well too. After all, this are the tips I follow. I follow my own advice. LOL.

My friends and I always carry a 'ritual' before each paper. We would always shake hands and wish each other good luck. I don't know how that would help, but I am sort of a very supersitious person so I do it before every paper anyway. Maybe you can try that out too :P.  

That's about all then for now. I would try to do some movies and book reviews in future posts. I've watched quite some movies and read quite some books recently.

Have a happy day :D!