Tuesday 17 July 2012


I think I may have fallen in love with this TV series.

BBC Sherlock is the awesomest thing I have ever watched in my life. There is simply no comparison.

If you haven't heard of it, it is a modern adaptation of Sherlock Holmes created by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss. It's rather like what would happen if Sherlock lived in the 21st Century England. And it's awesome. So awesome that I have completely lost my ability to come up with synonyms for awesome >< Click here if you want more information. And no it's not scary crap this time.

So far, only 6 episodes have been made (I've only watched 3 =_=) but each one is 1.5 h so it's like watching 6 movies, only 6 movies hundred times more awesome than any movie that has ever been made. There's just so much tension, so much excitement and so many plot twists. Many times, I found myself biting the cushion in anticipation of what is going to happen. This - this - this show brings the detective and mystery genre to a whole new dimension.

And the characters. OMG THE CHARACTERS. Sherlock. asjdhadasdjksjdh. Awesomest. Detective. Ever. That guy is a frigging genius, I swear. And this has got to be the cutest portrayal of Sherlock ever. asdhaskdjhk that fluffy hair >3< And and and that otter, i swear omg i swear. THIS is the meaning of my life. 

And don't even get me started on Jawn and Moriarty. CUTEST THINGS EVER I DON'T CARE. John. omg. that. guy. is. made. of. kittens. and. Jim. omg. those facial expressions. that voice. asdjhaskjdhsakjdh *dies of fluffy adorableness


Yeah um so if I still haven't convinced you to watch Sherlock (since I really suck at writing reviews and summaries), please just spend 2mins of your precious time watching this amazing video. Maybe it'll change your mind.

SO GO WATCH SHERLOCK PEOPLE. JUST. DO. IT. Or else Slenderman will eat your face.

Kay nothing left to do here then. thx Bai :3

P.S. I hate how this supposed review has just turned into my retarded fangirling

P.P.S. And did I mention there's yaoi in Sherlock? Well maybe not actual yaoi but Sherlock and John's bromance is just so adwablely fluffy >3< 


*I regret nothing


Friday 29 June 2012

Drabble: Undoubtedly the best fanfiction generator

I like how my posts always start with "so I was bored" or "I was bored so". Somehow I always have a ton of things to do but still wind up bored like the procrastinator I am.

Well, as usual, I was bored too this time and decided to use Drabble to generate some Hetalia Crack.

And this came out after a few shots

Disclaimer: I do not own Romano and Spain. They are (c) Hidekaz Himaruya

Au Lang Syne

Spain sipped gayly at his drink and stood behind a Pizza. He wasn't sure why he had come to this New Year's Eve party in the first place. He was no good at parties anyhow. They always made him feel gay and he ended up like he was now, hiding and hoping nobody noticed how Spanish his lips got when he was nervous.

Well, truth be told, Spain knew very well why he was at the party: to see Romano.

Ah, Romano. Just the thought of him, the chance of a glimpse of his tsundere ass made Spain's heart beat like a smexy boss.

But tonight everyone was masked. Spain peered furiously through the crowd, trying to guess which guest was Romano. There, he thought, the man over by the pasta, the one with the cat mask. It had to be Romano. No one else could look so passionate, even in a cat mask.

He began to walk Spain's way and Spain started to panic. What if he actually talked to Spain?

Romano came right up to Spain and Spain thought that he was going to faint.

"Hello," Romano said roughly. "What are you doing over here all alone?"

"Oh, just looking at the tomato," Spain said and immediately wanted to die because that sounded so pedo.

Just then, a provocative voice began to count down. "Ten ... nine ... eight ... seven ..."

Spain's heart leapt. If they were together at midnight, that meant that Romano might ...

"Happy New Year!"

Romano swept Spain into his arms, bent him in bed, and kissed Spain naughtily, slipping him the tongue and groping his chest.

Spain could hardly believe it. How wonderful! And now that it was after midnight, it was time to take their masks off. He reached out pedoly and pulled Romano's mask off his face. It was Romano! "I knew it was you," Spain said and took his own mask off.

"And it's ... you," Romano said. "You know, I'm just going to go get some punch."

Spain watched him go. He would be right back, Spain was sure. Just as soon as he had his punch.

And then they would fall in love.

Wow. I mean, ignoring the total random OOC-ness of Romano near the end and some nonsense (bent him in bed wth o.o?) this is actually pretty awesome Spamano fanfic. Well for a fanfiction generator at least.

Okay I will be truthful. I changed some parts a teeny bit like some stupid spelling mistakes I made and some things that were absolute crap (like 'Spain said and immediately wanted to die because that sounded so pedo' used to be Spain said and immediately wanted to die because that sounded so hard') but it was only a teeny weeny bit! The rest of the fanfic is all credited to drabble, which for once, produced something decent.

lol this is so random.

*derps off to go write (generate) some GerIta fanfic (OTP :3)

Thursday 28 June 2012

Quiet like the Snow

So I have created a new blog.

Quiet like the Snow: http://snowsquiet.blogspot.com/

I appeal to you that if you don't like grimdark, dark or horror stories, pls don't read it.

The blog is basically a story I am currently working on, like the Story of Transformice (which I have failed to update for almost a whole year TT-TT)

But anyway, given my current taste in fiction, I just want to start something new that would actually give me drive to write about.  

The story will be a grimdark horror story or a sort of a creepypasta thing, only a very long one. I will try my best to make it as dark and disturbing as possible but I haven't had much experience writing horror or grimdark stories I will apologise beforehand if it's not to you. Construction criticism is welcome, as usual.

I will be reusing some of my old characters in this story, like Castor, Andromeda and Pollux from the Alleyway District but they will be in an Alternate Universe where they do not know each other at all.

Well that's all I'm going to say about Quiet like the Snow until I write more of it.

Oh yeah and if you're wondering where I got the title, it's from this awesome song:

It's really really nice so just listen to it.

Hmm, 'till next time then. And please check out my new blog if you have nothing better to do. 

Monday 25 June 2012


I made this a long time ago, and a long long time ago but just decided I'll share it here.

Description: This is my first animation, so I decided to start with something easy.
I do not own the audio or the meme idea. The original meme is by CaramelCat123. Song: Don't trust a hoe by 3OH3

You can tell this is old because there's a big style difference.

That's my style now.

Hmm should I start an Art/drawing blog to post random drawings and WIP sketches?

Just talking to myself...

10 things that scare me

Because I'm bored. Note: Don't click on any of the links if you don't like creepy stuff.

Not really in any order:


2) Creepy pictures (like Jeff the Killer)

3) Insects

4) Loud sounds or screaming in horror movies

5) Something jumping out at you from your screen

6) Masks (esp. if there's no one wearing it)

7) Minecraft monsters

8) Creepy songs (Normally creepy Vocaloid ones)

9) Body horror (like The Human Centipede or the true story behind Dark Woods Circus)

10) The moment when I just enter the empty house

And zombies. Some. Like this one.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Anime Reviews

I promised to do some reviews in a post long long time ago so today, in a bout of procrastination, I've decided to do some anime reviews. This will explain the random crap (like this one) I have been posting. 

I will be reviewing anime that I have finished watching (very few :P) and ones that I am currently watching. 

So let's start

Black Butler Season 1 and 2 (a.k.a. Kuroshitsuji 1 and 2)

Summary (I'm terrible at summaries so this is from Wikipedia): 

Season 1 - In a manor house on the outskirts of Victorian era London, butler Sebastian Michaelis serves Lord Earl Ciel Phantomhive, the orphaned twelve-year-old head of an English noble family and a toy and candy empire, who serves directly under the Queen as her "guard dog". Master Phantomhive's parents were murdered on Ciel's tenth birthday. As a result, he made a pact with a demon asking for vengeance upon those who had disgraced him and the Phantomhive name, in exchange for his soul. Now, Sebastian (who likes cats) carries out any task required by his Master, perfectly solving problems plaguing the Queen of England with ease, due to his demonic lineage and the Faustian contract with Ciel.

So that's Season 1 in a nutshell

Season 2 (I will be writing this since there isn't a decent summary anywhere) - Season 2 happens a year and 3 months after Season 1 and another young boy (Alois Trancy) and his demonic butler (Claude Faustus) is added to the story. (Spoilers) It is revealed in the second season that at the end of the first season when Ciel supposedly dies, Claude stole Ciel's soul from Sebastian but neither demon was actually able to consume it because they required both the body and the soul to do so. Sebastian manages
to resurrect Ciel but Ciel conveniently forgets everything that happened during Season 1, including that the contract has already been fulfilled. As a result, Sebastian makes a pact with Claude, who is also trying to get Ciel's soul, making Alois the target of Ciel's revenge. Ciel and Sebastian try to take revenge on Alois while Claude is playing to get both Alois's and Ciel's soul.

And that barely covers Season 2

Rating: 4.5/5 stars

I really really really really really like, no absolutely asdhaskjhaksjfhaksjdhsasd-ly love this anime. It's one of the few anime I actually finished. And both seasons too. I think it's exactly the kind of anime for me. It's quite dark in nature and is like a mystery-solving sort of thing. It doesn't have a sappy stupid happily ever after ending but not a ridiculously sad ending either. The plot is intriguing and draws you in while the characters are generally all very awesome in my opinion. Plus it's about demons, and angels, and grim reapers. How wrong can that go? It is rather gory and violent but not to extremes and since I like gore it's exactly my cup of tea. Even though it's a dark anime, there is a lot of humour in it too. Last but not the least, I find the art and animation quite well done. I prefer the style of this anime to many others. 

The reason it's 4.5 and not 5 stars is that it is a bit confusing sometimes and a little *ahem* *ahem* inappropriate (it should be PG at least). And the fan-base is absolutely stupid =.= 

That's all for Black Butler. I strongly recommend to watch it if you are depressed (lol I started watching it for this reason) or have nothing better to do. And a bonus if you like the Victorian Age :) 

Here is the opening just because I feel like posting it


Summary (from Wikipedia): Clannad''s story revolves around Tomoya Okazaki, a third year high school student who dislikes his life. The story opens on Monday April 14, 2003 at the beginning of the school year, when Tomoya meets by chance Nagisa Furukawa, a soft-spoken girl one year older than he is who is repeating her last year in high school due to being sick much of the previous year. Her goal is to join the drama club which she was unable to do due to her sickness, but they find that the drama club was disbanded after the few remaining members graduated. Since Tomoya has a lot of time to kill, he starts to help Nagisa in reforming the drama club. During this period, Tomoya meets and hangs out with several other girls who he gets to know well and help with their individual problems.

Which is a lame summary

Rating: 4/5

I finished this anime too but I find that this just doesn't have the same kind of appeal that Black Butler has on me.  And it's a bit ironic, because while this anime is really funny, it is also insanely sad. I cried at least 5 times watching it. There is a second part to this anime (Clannad After Story) but many claim that it is much sadder than this one so I haven't bothered to watch it yet. It's quite a good anime in my opinion but it's probably just not my type. The characters are a bit annoying to me too and well there isn't really a distinct plot going on. However, the art in this anime is absolutely beautiful ,the backgrounds and scenery especially. 

I would recommend this anime if you like sad or touching stories, harem animes (=.=) or if you want a good laugh but grab your tissue boxes too. 

Here is the opening:

Hetalia Axis Powers/World Series

Summary (Adapted from Wikipedia): The series' main presentation is as an often over-the-top allegory of political and historic events as well as more general cultural comparisons. Characters are personifications of countries, regions and micronations (Sealand :3). The main storyline's events occur during World War II, but the vast majority of the comics take place during other historical events, modern holidays, or at no specific time whatsoever. The series often uses light-hearted comedy to reinterpret well-known events as well as less common historical and cultural trivia. Historical, political, economic, and military interaction between countries is generally represented in Hetalia as social and romantic interactions (lol union = marriage XD) and misunderstandings between the characters.

Wikipedia is so profound...

Basically Hetalia is about the random crap that anime character personifications of countries (there are 30+ personifications) do. 

Rating: 4.5/5

Yes I love this anime too. It's probably the funniest thing you will ever watch. I haven't actually finished it but it's because there are 80+ 5 minute episodes so it's really really hard to find every single one online. I still have 10 to 20 more to go. This anime is a very light-hearted thing and will cheer you up at once if you are feeling depressed. The characters are all so lovable that I don't dislike a single one of them. Plus, there are is a CAT version of this anime called NEKOtalia. It's, it's ADWABLE. (Refer here for my opinion on cats). And plus, the anime is educational and teaches you history (well makes you interested in history) and all sorts of interesting facts about the world so what's not to like? As for the art style, I think it's really amazing and adorable but it is probably not the focus of this anime.

There isn't a plot or any storyline to go with. Most of the episodes are random events not in chronological sequence, only some are connected. If you like randomness, I will strongly recommend this anime to you. I will also recommend this to you if you don't have a lot of free time. Since episodes of Hetalia are not connected you can just start watching from any and an episode is really short so you don't need a lot of time to watch it. 

And the reason it's not 5 stars is that, well, it gets a little confusing and weird sometimes. BUT IT'S AWESOME.
The fandom is stupid too, though it's really funny.

Here is the ending (sung by Italy), since the opening is like 5 seconds:

And here is the ending sung by everyone, just because I feel like posting it :3


And here is Prussia, who is so awesome he deserves an anime all on his own

Elfen Lied

Summary (from Wikipedia): Elfen Lied takes place in Kamakura, Japan, focusing on a new strain of the human race, Diclonius, similar to human beings but different at the genetic level and notable due to physical abnormalities, particularly a pair of short horn-like protrusions. One such Diclonius, Lucy, is the main character of the series: Initially held in a facility built for experimentation, located off the coast of Kamakura, she manages to escape and wreak havoc, but is injured in the process, an event which causes her to develop a secondary, child-like personality known as Nyu. Lucy is found by two locals, Kohta, who studies at the local university, and his cousin Yuka. They take her in, and become involved with the numerous, often brutal, attempts to recapture her by a Special Assault Team and a number of other Diclonius, who shift frequently from oblivious to murderous.

Rating: 4/5

Now let me just start by saying that this is probably the most disturbing, traumatizing and gory anime you will ever watch (well next to Higurashi which I haven't dared to watch yet). Trust me. I think it should have a mature rating of M18 or at least NC16 at least. If you don't like gore, DON'T WATCH IT.
And if you do, like me, it is asdjhaskdjhaskjdh-ly awesome. So far, I've had time to watch only 5 episodes so I can't really comment much about it. The first episode is really really really gory in which practically an entire facility of people are massacred. But hey, it's a horror anime isn't it. The characters, however, are really annoying, with the exception of Lucy (NOT Nyu) is also asdjhaskdjhasdkj-ly awesome. Also, many people claim it's very sad too and I won't be surprised if it is. 
However, do note that this is an Ecchi anime so it can get very inappropriate at times.

I would highly recommend this to people who like horror or in general, gore. 

I shall not post the opening because it is censored. But you can enjoy the music:


Summary (from Wikipedia): Teito Klein is a former slave who now attends the Barsburg Empire's military academy due to his ability to use Zaiphon, a type of supernatural power. Teito is an amnesiac who frequently has frightening dreams. The night before the graduation exam, Teito and his only friend, Mikage, vow they will never abandon each other. The next day, Teito overhears people talking about him. Stopping to listen, he suddenly realizes that the speaker, Chief of Staff Ayanami, is the person who killed the familiar man in his dreams: his father, the king of the destroyed Raggs Kingdom. Teito is caught eavesdropping and tries to attack Ayanami but is quickly brought down by one of his subordinates and sent to prison. Mikage comes to help him escape, only to find that Teito has managed to fight past the guards by himself. The two flee the building but are cornered on a balcony. Teito pretends to hold Mikage hostage, then makes his escape, though he is wounded by a Zaiphon blast that Ayanami directs at him. Three bishops in the nearby 7th District discover the injured Teito and take him to a nearby church to recuperate, where he is protected because of the 7th District's law of sanctuary.
In due time, it is discovered that Teito carries the Eye of Mikhail, a powerful talisman for which his home country was destroyed. This fact, as well as a fateful reunion, catapults Teito into a quest for revenge against the Barsburg Empire and for knowledge about his past. At the same time, his status as the bearer of the Eye of Mikhail throws him into the long-standing conflict between the evil Verloren and his enemies, the 07 Ghosts.

Yeah you don't have to read it all.

Rating: 3/5 (?)

Well this was recommended to me so I watched it but again like Elfen Lied, I only watched 5 episodes due to time. I can't really tell whether I like it or not in 5 episodes so the rating can still differ. So far what I watched was quite okay but it doesn't appeal to me a lot. It seems to be a good anime but since it set in an Alternative Universe there is quite a lot of understanding to be done. I haven't really seem much of the plot yet but the characters are rather cool. The art style is okay by my standards but no huge preference whatsoever. 

Here is the opening: 


Summary (from Wikipedia): The story begins with a young boy named Gon Freecss, who one day discovers that the father whom he thought was dead, is in fact alive and well. He learns that his father, Ging, is a legendary "Hunter", an individual who has proven themself an elite member of humanity. Despite the fact that Ging left his son with his relatives in order to pursue his own dreams, Gon becomes determined to follow in his father's footsteps, pass the rigorous "Hunter Examination", and eventually find his father to become a Hunter in his own right.

I think there's a further part to this anime but this is all that Animax showed so this is all that I will be reviewing

Rating: 4/5

Yes, I didn't watch much of this anime either but I loved every single episode I watched. It is just so cool. I found it really really entertaining and I think it's a great anime everyone should watch. Because it's just a typical sort of adventure/action anime but somehow it appeals to me more than other animes of such like Naruto or Pokemon. The characters are really awesome with kick-ass fighting skills and the plot is fine by me. The art style, while I admit it's probably not my favourite but one can accept it.

Here is the ending, because I like it better than the opening: 

And now for the final one. Okay I know this is technically not an anime but I'm reviewing it anyway because I'm currently obsessed with it.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (No this is not a joke)

Summary (adapted from Wikipedia): This show revolves around the adventures and daily life of the unicorn pony Twilight Sparkle, her baby dragon assistant Spike, and her friends in Ponyville, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity. In some episodes, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, are also featured trying to get their Cutie Mark.

Rating: 4.5/5 (No, this is also not a joke)

So one day I was bored and decided to watch this. Do I have to explain my actions? 
Yes, I really really really really really like this show and I have no idea why myself. I think it's mainly because of the art (The ponies are so cute! The fillies and Fluttershy especially *Squeal*) but some part of this show just appeals to me. Maybe it's because I just miss the good old cartoons after watching so much anime. The plot of this show can be described as the character encounters a problem, the character does something to make the problem worse, the character solves the problem and happily every after. However, the characters, the Mane Six and very interesting and I find them extremely likeable. This show is always very light-hearted so I will recommend it too anyone who wants a change from all the morbid and darkness. 

It's 4.5 not 5 because, while, it is a little kids show and is sort of childish and unrealistic. 

Here is the opening:

And here is what got me hooked into this series:

And that concludes my anime (+cartoon) reviews. Till the next post!