Wednesday 11 May 2011

Exams! Exams! Exams! (Revision)

Our school is currently in the exam period. Everything's been really hectic and busy recently, with so much revision and practice papers. We are stuffed with practice papers every day for us to finish by the next day.

Everyone's been really hectic and busy studying and revising these days that itmakes me feel sort of guilty since I still have time to surf the Internet and blog now. Perhaps I'm not revising enough.

But never mind.

I would be posting a series of tips on how to survive the exams. Today will be the first part:

10 Revision tips (Preparation for Exams)

1) Start revising early. Don't only do it until the day before the exam (which is precisely what I'm doing right now. Oh dear...)

2) Write down notes as you revise through your worksheets, papers, etc. Notes will help you remember things better and can be used as reference for future exams.

3) Sleep early the night before your exam so that you can keep a clear head during your exam.

4) Don't ever ever procrastinate! Do homework the second you receive them. Start revision months away from the exam. It's better to be early than late.

5) Plan a revision schedule and KEEP TO IT (This is what I have major problems with)! 

6) When you feel tired, go take a break. Even if you are revising last minute and have extremely little time, go take a break. If you don't and continue studying, you won't be able to get anything into your head. However, limit your breaks to within half an hour and get back to revision AT ONCE after your break.

7) Tackle subjects and topics you are weaker at first. This would ensure that if you don't have time in the end, you will at least be able to strengthen your weaknesses.

8) Practice, pratice and practice. Do assessment books, practice papers, whatever you can find to do. Make sure they are challenging though. Practices that you find are easy are useless.

9) Keep your notes in point form and keep them simple. You will have trouble keeping neat and deciphering complicated and long-winded notes. (Another point I need to improve at...)

10) My motto: Just get over with it! Even you don't feel like doing revision or homework, just get over with it. If you don't feel like doing something, tell yourself just do it, just get over with it. It will be over once you got over with it.

Well, hope that helped! And good luck to all! Ace your exams!

Once again, good luck!

Tuesday 10 May 2011

My Drawings

Here are some of my drawings, as promised. Most of them are black and white; I rarely colour my pictures (I'm too lazy :P). In fact, I have only drewn one full coloured picture.
There are some sketches and the rest are just normal random drawings in this collection. I know my drawings are not that nice (especially my cats' eyes. They don't really look like eyes!) but I'm practicing and improving!

This is the one I mentioned about the Angelic Cat versus the Demonic Cat, completely fabricated out of my own imagination:

Angelic Cat seems to be winning the battle...

Here are some other drawings of the Angelic Cat and Demonic Cat:

Picture of Angelic Cat. This also includes a picture of two cats fighitng which has nothing to do with Angelic Cat. I only drew them on the same piece of paper to save paper :P.

Here are potraits of some cat. I created these cats in a book series that I am currently writing right now (For more informations go to: They are cats created out of my imagination.


Castor (I meant for Castor to look evil, but I guess the effect doesn't work well...)


This is my full coloured picture. Its a poster for the Alleyway District.

And here are my sketches:

This intended to be a sketch of Tigerstar, ShadowClan's fearsome leader (refer to the Warrior Cats series by Erin Hunter) but I guess his not fierce enough...

A sketch of an Alleyway in the Alleyway District. It's a bit random...

Finally, here are some totally random pictures:

A picture of cats in random positions. I think the last cat looks horrible; I meant for him to have his paws tucked under him but it looks like he doesn't have legs...

A picture of a girl, a dark angel actually but, well, I guess it looks weird...

That's all for now! Whew! I know that the pictures are a little low qualitied and the paper is covered with black pencil smears but I've put in a lot of effort into this picture.

You can criticise them by giving comments on how to improve but NO negative and unconstructive comments (E.g. the pics suck, the pics look like crap, etc.)

Sunday 8 May 2011

Mythical Cats

I found this picture on the Internet :

It reminded me of a picture I drew (I'll be uploading that ASAP) about an angelic cat versus a demonic cat. My picture, however, was more "cartoony" and with much less detail.

I personally find the idea of cats having roles of mythical creatures intriguing.

This is what I think a vampire cat would look like:

Here are some elemental cats :

And finally,

Ghost Cats!

There are much more pictures of these curious cats at this website:

It's really quite interesting. Cat lovers, go take a look.

I admire the artist's skill to be able to paint the pictures with such detail and colour. The pictures are really amazing and intrguing. I do paint myself and painting in such detail is most definetely not easy!

Share your pictures with me if you are good at drawing cats. Any kind of art will be fine, whether it is oil painings/sketches/manga/digital art/etc/LOLcats. Even photography is accepted!

Email your pics to:

I will post all the pictures on this blog. So send them in now! Just make sure they feature cats, though. :P

There is no deadline for this thing and I welcome cat pictures all the time.

Vampire cat couple

Saturday 7 May 2011


Recently (as in the last year or so), I discovered a game by the name of Transformice. (Link:

This game is created by two amazing game creators: Melibellule and Tigrounette (Spelling?)
Fact: They are French!

The objective of the game is simple.

You play a mouse:

Yep, that's you.

Your goal is to get the cheese and hole back to the mousehole:

Things are, of course, not that simple. You have to face many obstacles on your way to get the cheese. Your main enemy is neither a monster, nor a cat (lol). Your main enemy is physics.

Never fear, though, the Shaman is always there to help you:

The Shaman has a series of objects/tools she (all Transformice mice are female, check out the rules : can summon, to aid the mice. Or kill them. Don't worry, most Shaman aren't that evil :P.

These tools/objects include balloons, boxes, anvils, cannons, etc. etc.

When you gather enough cheese, you will be able to buy items for your mousy at the Shop. Here's a picture of a dressed up mouse:

That's about the basics of the game of Transformice. If you want to learn more about the game, either try it out yourself, or go to this website:

Game rating (My opinion): 4/5 stars

I really love this game. It's absolutely epic, fun and wacky. It's one of the games I play the most and is most addicted. However, do note that the game server can be down sometimes and rather laggy in Rooms with many mice.
In any case, I highly recommend you try out this game! XD!

Wednesday 4 May 2011

I will begin with today...

"Today is a new day"

Greetings from the Kat of the Night to all reading this blog. Welcome to my Blog.

I am Katerina Swan, a just regular girl.

I believe that in this world, we are all just all regular people. Everyone's this same. However, we gradually become different when we do different stuff, grow up in different environments or have different beliefs. So, it is up to us to make ourselves "irregular", to make ourselves different, to make ourselves famous.  

Every day is a new day, a new chance to do something extraordinary. Grab your opportunities, don't let them run away. 

Because I'm not going to let MY opportunities run away. This is my resolution of the New Year.

Enjoy my blog!