Monday 11 June 2012

100 truths (mostly)

I was tagged a long time ago on Facebook and since I'm bored now, lemme do this.

1. Nickname(s) : Cat? 

2.Original Eye colour: Black

3. Blood type : No idea

4. Male or Female: Female

5. Birth Date : 01/01/1000 HURR NO

6. Primary School : Cat school of cats

7. Secondary School : Cat High school of cats

8. JC/University : Cat university of cats

9. Original Hair Color : Black

10. Overall or Tops : Tops

11. Shorts or Jeans : Jeans

12. Phone or Camera : Phone with camera

13. Health freak : No

14. Orange or Apple : Hurr actually apple but orange is cooler

15. Do you have a crush on someone: hurr yesh 

16. Have you cried over a girl/boy : yes

17. Broken Bones : No

18. 100plus or Coke : COKE

19. Been in an airplane : Herp derp

20. Been in a relationship : Nope. Not counting selfcest hurr no, just no

21. Been in a car accident : No

22. Been in a fight : A minld one


23. First broken bone : My skull. What do you think?

24. Best friends : Nyan cat, voldemort's cat, troll cat 

25. First Award : Um P1 3rd in class? 

26. First crush : hurr some fictional book character

28. First phone : Sony Ericsson Xperia Ray

29. Last person you texted : Stupid spam ad company

30. Last person you talked to : Online- troll cat, Real life- Mum

32. Last food you ate : Mentos 

33. Last movie you watched : Snow White and the Huntsman :3

34. Last song you listened to : Cannibal by Ke$ha (hurr scary song)

35. Last thing you bought : the mentos 

36. Last beverage : Iced milo this morning

37. Last phone call : Eh Dad?

38. Favorite Sports : Hurr no, just no. 

39. Bottoms : Like pants? Jeans? 

40. Flower : Rose

41. Animal : CAT Derp Herp Derp

42. Colors : Black and red

43. Movies : Hurr tons. I practically every movie I see. 

44. Subject : Lit, history, art and design

HAVE YOU EVER: (Put an X in the brackets if yes)

45. [/] Fallen in love with someone. (2 year crush?)

46. [ ] Celebrated Halloween. 

47. [x] Had your heart broken.

48. [x] Went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.

49. [ ] Had someone like you. (I don't know)

50. [ ] Been to LAN (Eh?)

51. [x] Got lost in a shopping mall. 

52. [  ] Went to a disco.

53. [x] Did something you regretted.

54. [x] Broken a promise. 

55. [x] Kept a secret. 

56. [x] Pretended to be happy. (derp derp derp)

57. [x] Met someone who changed your life. 

58. [ ] Pretended to be sick. 

59. [x] Left the country for a trip (derpitty derp)

60. [x] Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it. 

61. [x] Cried over a little thing. 

62. [x] Ran a mile.

63. [x] Went to the beach with your best friend.

64. [x] Got into an argument with your friends.

65. [x] Disliked someone.

66. [x] Stayed single for 4 years since the first time you had a boyfriend/girlfriend. (Forever Alone :D)


67. Eating : uh mentos

68. Drinking : my saliva?

69. Listening to : Facebook chat notification alerts

70. Sitting/Laying : On a chair?

71. Plans for today : Finish the warrior cats rpg art requests and that revengeshipping thing. n draw more crack. impossibru, you say?

72. Waiting for : lunch


73. Want kids : NO. just NO.

74. Want to get married : hurr NO

75. Career/Business : Illustrator/graphic designer/author/lawyer/doctor

BOY/GIRL FRIENDS IN FUTURE (hurr hurr hurr): 

76. Lips or eyes : Eyes

77. Shorter or taller : Taller.

78. Romantic or spontaneous : Romantic?

79. Lively or Emotional : Hurr neither

80. Older or younger : Hurr older

81. Hook-up or relationship : Relationship

82. Looks or personality : hurr hurr hurr personality


83. Lost specs/contacts: No. I will die without my glasses. 

84. Run out of a house : derp

85. Held a knife for self defense : Yeah, it's weird but yeah

86. Killed somebody : No. But mentally my death count is like 10000000

87. Killed an animal : Ants and other insects

88. Broken someone's heart : I don't know

89. Cried when someone died : Yeah lots of times


90. Yourself : I don't know

91. Miracles : I guess

92. Love at first sight : I don't know. Not really. 

93. Heaven : Yes

94. Santa Claus : Hurr no

95. Aliens : I don't want to but yes

96. Ghosts/Spirits : yes

97. God: sometimes

98. What you believe in : hurr what kind of question is this? I believe in...GREEK MYTHOLOGY

99. Is there one person you really want to be with right now : yes

100. Do you know who your true friends are : Perhaps

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