Tuesday 29 May 2012

How to make people think you're crazy

Do this.

I just wasted 15 seconds of your life :D

Disclaimer: I do not own the video. Or Germany. Or the audio.

Saturday 26 May 2012

JayfeatherxHalf Moon PV

I started on a new project sometime ago and just finished. I wanted some practice with iMovie for future animations so I decided to do something easy first. Hence, this picture music video, dedicated to my favourite Warrior Cats pairing, Jayfeather and Half Moon was produced. And I will never underestimate picture video makers again. This was painfully tedious to make. 

And I will never underestimate picture video makers again. This was painfully tedious to make. 

I'm not very good at making picture videos myself and good Jayfeather and Half Moon pictures on the Internet are really rare so this may not be that good. But I hope you'll still enjoy it! :)

NOTE: I DO NOT OWN THE CHARACTERS JAYFEATHER AND HALF MOON (Copyright Erin Hunter). NEITHER DO I KNOWN THE MUSIC (Copyright Christina Perri) OR THE PICTURES (Copyright respective artists on deviantART)

Thursday 24 May 2012

Can't hug every cat

I love cats. I love every kind of cat. I just wanna hug all of them but I can't. Can't hug every cat.

It's so funny when she started crying and being all emotional about how she wanted cats in little bow ties and in her bed and on a rainbow. X*D

O.O I just realised eHarmony is a dating site. What. The. Cat. Sigh, whatever, just look at the cats.

Sorry I just had to link this :*D It makes me happy.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

I found this too...


More crap I wrote a long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away (or so it seems to me). 
Based on the ever-popular Warrior Cats Truth or Dare. Read here original here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4886548/1/Warrior_cats_Revenge_and_Truth_or_Dare
Trust me, it's the funniest thing ever. At least for Warrior cats fans :P

Here's my version:

Warrior Cats Truth or Dare

The night sky was clear and the moon was high. The Gathering Island was crowded with cats from the different Clans. 

Three cats, a night black she-cat with pale green eyes, a dark tabby tom with brilliant blue eyes and a ginger tabby she-cat with amber eyes suddenly appeared out of nowhere. They clambered onto the highest branch of the tree the leaders were perched upon. Yowls of shock arose from the gathered cats below but the trio didn’t seem to notice.
“Welcome to the new game show; Warrior cats, Truth or Dare! I am Nightwind and I would be hosting tonight’s episode along with Shadowfur and Flameflight” The black she-cat announced, flicking her tail towards the dark tabby tom and ginger she-cat respectively. A camera crew hastened to placing burning torches along the perimeter of the Island.
Enraged, one of the Clan Leaders, Leopardstar sprang up. “Who are you to interrupted our Gathering!” she screeched. A mega-sized rock came soaring down from nowhere and crushed her. “Ow, that must have hurt!” chorlted Flameflight. Mistyfoot rushed up, struggling to free her leader from the rock. “I’m okay!” called Leopardstar. A murmur of unrest swept among the gathered cats. 
“Well,” Shadowfur stepped forward, “Any volunteers for truths, or dares? Pls remeber to include your particulars and those of the cat you want to dare. Your own particulars would be kept private." A few cats stepped forward, then a whole group. They wrote their truths/dares on a leaf and dropped it into a box Shadowfur waved from thin air. The dark tabby picked out a single leaf. The two she-cats leaned forward to read, bursting into fits of giggles. 
“First,” Shadowfur meowed, “Firestar of ThunderClan, please step out.” Firestar crept his way nervously towards Shadowfur. The dark tom whispered something into the ThunderClan Leader’s ear. Firestar turned pale. "No way am I going to do THAT!” he spat. “That,” Shadowfur glanced at the leaf, “Or you’ll have to live as a kittypet for the next moon.” 
“What!?” shrieked Firestar, “Oh alright!” He turned towards the ThunderClan cats and yowled at the top of his lungs, "I LOVE BEING A KITTYPET!" The ThunderClan cats exchanged strange looks and started making gestures as if Firestar was crazy. “Firestar!” Hollyleaf shouted, “How COULD you!? You are our LEADER for StarClan’s sake!” She sprang forward, claws unsheathed and started attacking Firestar. 
“Enough!” Nightwind snapped and suddenly Hollyleaf was thrown back, like she had just slammed into an invisible boulder. The black warrior gave a hiss of annoyance but backed away.
“Next,” Flameflight meowed, “Leafpool of ThunderClan, please step forward.” Leafpool looked terrified. Flameflight hissed something to her. "But-but I can’t do that!” Flameflight grinned a evil grin at her, “There’s no punishment, so you have to! So long!” She waved her tail and Leafpool disappeared and reappeared in front of Crowfeather, who looked shocked. “Crowfeather!” Leafpool meowed as quickly as possible, “I love you more than any other cat! Let’s run away and leave the Clans forever!” Crowfeather’s eyes lit up and he replied, “I feel the same way for you too! Let’s go now!” 
At that moment, the ThunderClan and WindClan cats bursted into screeches of protest. Nightcloud stalked forward and slapped Leafpool, claws unsheathed. Crowfeather yowled in fury and slapped Nightcloud back. “Traitor!” Breezepelt shrieked and leapt at Crowfeather. Breezepelt was swatted aside by an imaginary force and landed in the lake. He came out spluttering and swearing. Crowfeather and Leafpool darted towards the tree bridge. 
“Moving on," Shadowfur looked bored but his eyes brightened as he picked up the next request. “This one’s from Flameflight.” “Hey!” the ginger she-cat protested, “I thought said to keep particulars secret.” She lunged at Shadowfur, who ducked and she missed, flying off the tree. Shadowfur let out a mrrow of amusement. “Well, anyway,” he shot a look at the words written on the leaf, reading aloud, “Nightwind, one of our hosts, has to go on a date with Tigerstar, of er...um...Tigerstar?”  Shadowfur looked up.
The cats below shuffled in unease. “Tigerstar is dead,” Blackstar informed him. “Oh well then,” Shadowfur groaned, “Looks like we have to summon him.” Suddenly, the ground below the tree was shrouded in black mis and Tigerstar appeared. “Now you must kick out with full force,” the dark warrior lunged forward and slashed his hindpaws at the closest cat, which happened to be Jayfeather. The medicine cat let out a screech of rage and fastened his teeth in Tigerstar’s throat. “Um, Jayfeather," Flameflight meowed, crawling up the tree again, “We need Tigerstar alive.” She flashed an evilglance at Nightwind, who bristled. Jayfeather released the large tabby.
“Well,” Tigerstar snapped, “What do you want, this better be good. I was just teaching Hawkfrost some new battle moves.” “You bet!” laughed Flameflight, earning herself a hard glare from Nightwind, “You're to go on a date with Nighwind.” “No way," snarled Tigerstar. “Well then you’ll have to waltz around the Island with Nightwind and swearing your love to her forever!” “I’ll take the first,” Tigerstar meowed hastily.
“Nooooooooo!” roared the black she-cat and lunged at Flameflight. But she disappeared mid-lunge along with Tigerstar. Flameflight doubled over with laughter. “I love to watch her being tortured,” she chuckled, a sadistic gleam in her eyes. “Well, looks like she’s gonna take some revenge,"  Shadowfur had picked out a new leaf. Flamelight turned green. “Flameflight, you are to eat 2 kilograms of crowfood non-stop. Or kiss Firestar.” 
“What?” The ThunderClan leader cried, “StarClan save me!” Sandstorm, his mate was bristling in anger. “I’ll take the crowfood,” Flameflight decided, not wanting to die at the claws of a jealous she-cat. A bucketful of rotten meat appeared in front of Flameflight. Cats scrambled away at the stench. Shadowfur created a shield blocking him and the other cats from the pungent smell. 
For the next 10 mins, the gathered cats watched in great amusement as Flameflight swallowed mouthful after mouthful of crowfood until the bucket was empty and finally puking everything on Nightwind, who had just returned from her date. “Ew gross!” the black she-cat complained. “How was the date?” asked Shadowfur casually. “Horrid!” Nightwind exclaimed while trying to clean herself up. Flameflight was still retching uncontrollably. “Tigerstar dumped me halfway through, running away screaming with his tail between his legs,” Nightwind shuddered. “Looks like his just a big coward,” Shadowfur concluded. 
“Now we move on to the truths,” Nightwind, who was clean by now, stepped forward, holding a leaf. 



Monday 21 May 2012

I'm on a blogging spree

Yes, I'm getting obsessed with blogging now. Seriously? Three posts in one day?

Okay so I was just looking through some of my old writing and other crap and I found this. BEHOLD, my awesomeness:

There is a dark room. Suddenly, all the lights in the room are switched on. All the spotlights are trained on the drawn curtains of the stage. The curtains slowly start to unveil. There is nothing on the stage but a plush chair. Spotlights turn on audience. The audience are mainly cats, although there is a group of massive wolf dogs in the last row. All the cats avoid the last row.

Invisible Announcer: We welcome our host for the night - Castor!
Audience claps enthusiastically. Castor, a handsome sleek black tom, pads into view from backstage. 
Castor: Hi guys
Audience: HIIIII!!!!!!!!
Castor: Enough with the chit-chat...Welcome to the premiere of the dating game show- Find your Soulmate!
Audience claps hysterically.
Castor: We have here tonight seven she-cats and a tom. The tom is Mr. Kestrel of 91 Ambrose Street. Hush, don't tell anyone, especially the she-cats, but, he's a kittypet!
Audience gasps in shock
Invisible Announcer: Castor shut up! You just told the world Mr. Kestrel origins!
Castor: ...That was rude...If I'm gonna get cussed at I want a pay raise.
Invisible Announcer: Whatever, now just get back to the show!
Castor: Okay...Well, Mr. Kestrel, frankly, isn't- let's just put it nicely- that a pleasant looking tom.
Audience groans
Castor: Don't get all upset! The she-cats back stage don't know a thing about Mr. Kestrel so they'll still be working hard to win his heart. So let's bring in- Mr. Kestrel!
An overweight fat brown tom walks out from backstage looking thoroughly annoyed. Audience boos him. Mr. Kestrel glares at Castor who shrugs
Castor (to Mr. Kestrel): Don't be sad, not all toms are born with handsome faces, especially not filthy stinking kittypets. Cheer up, Kestrel- can I call you Kestrel?
Kestrel (in a growl): No...
Castor: Kestrel so tonight, we have for you seven she-cats. They would be concealed from you when they come onto stage but you can speak to each and every one of them. Let's familiarise ourselves with the rules of the Game. Round 1 will be the elimination. All seven she-cats will give Kestrel a brief 30-second introduction of themselves. Kestrel will choose the 5 he likes best. The other 2 will be eliminated. You'll get to see their faces before they go and hopefully regret your choice. The next is the selection round. Kestrel can ask each remaining she-cat three questions. He can decide whether to keep the she-cat or let the she-cat go. He can only keep 2 she-cats from the 5. Afterwards, he will go on a date with the 2 she-cats when they will go to a restaurant. The she-cat he likes best after the date will become his soulmate!
Audience cheers
Castor: Let's bring in the she-cats!
A screen appears in the middle of the stage, separating the front part of the stage from the back. The cats in front of the screen cannot see anything going on behind the screen. Silhouettes of she-cats begin to appear behind the screen. There are seven silhouettes in total.
Castor: Round one begins now!
Castor walks towards the first she-cat
Castor: So, give us an introduction of yourself, my dear. Just don't mention your name and appearance.
She-cat 1: Uh-uh-um..uh..um..um.............................................
Kestrel: O.o
Castor: We need you to speak Cat English, sweetheart, so we can understand what you are talking about!
She-cat 1: I like.....uh mice. I am....uh single..uh um...I...uh am a she-cat...I...I...uh
Castor: Time's up! That was a great introduction. Moving on.
Castor goes to next she-cat
Castor: So, you, speak
She-cat 2: That was rude! Why were you so nice to the other she-cat but so mean to me?!
Castor (appears shocked): I'm not mean!!!! I simply ooze niceness.
She-cat 2: Shut up. So well, I'm a pretty out-spoken cat. I talk a lot. Like seriously A LOT. I mean once I start talking to can never get me to shut up. Talking is pretty cool. It's my hobby and job. I'm paid to talk. I'm a psychologists. I talk to mad cats. There was once the Maine Coon came into my clinic wearing a bowler hat! And he said, "THERE'S A SNAKE ON MY HEAD!!!!!!" And I was like it's not a snake it's just some stupid human hat and he was like no it's a snake and I was like no it's a hat and he was like shut up and get the snake off my head and I was like go see the shrink oh I'm a shrink so watcha wanna talk about and he was like there's a snake on my head and....
Castor: Time's up!
She-cat 2: No gimme more time. So my dad said go be a shrink and I was like NO! I mean talking to mad cats?! Seriously?! I don't believe it but I actually followed my dad's advice in the end. I mean...
Castor: Uh shut up now
She-cat 2: And there was this other cat...
Castor: Shut your mouth bitch
Audience gasps
Castor:...That felt great! Haven't used a swear word in months! Andromeda forbid me to do that, just like she forbad me from eating cats or any other animal bigger than me and forbad me from going on a killing spree.
She-cat 2: So I was like seriously?!....
Castor:...she's never going to stop talking isn't she?
She-cat 2: The stupid cat actually told me that I was crazy! I mean he's the manic here. I...
Audience: SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She-cat 2: Oh what?
Castor: Get the hell out of here. Next!
Castor goes to third she-cat.
I died.
I can't believe I wrote this! XD It's so stupid! X*D What the hell was I thinking of? 
Now I'm going to crawl under a rock and never show my face in this world ever again. Not just because of the amount of profanities in this thing.

Warrior Cats RPG

I'm playing Warrior Cats RPG again. (http://warriorcatsrpg.com/index.php)

I dumped it about a year ago but picked it up again this morning during school because I was too bored. I created another account because I forgot my username and password for the last one I had. I'm kinda sure we aren't supposed to have multiple accounts but oh well. 

It's quite fun so go take a look if you are bored. You can become a cat :3 Or a 100 cats. I currently made two cats. 

And they currently have a event called Warriors Avengers. Best crossover ever.

My username is: Night Wings
PM me or something if you want to role-play with me. I'm so lonely cause everyone's ignoring me :(

Here's a Nyan for you if you would most kindly role-play with me:

The Last Nyan (Done on deviantART muro)

And I'm supposed to be revising for a test on Wednesday but I'm far too lazy D: 

Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni Wa

Literally meaning: In the Stillness of the Shining Sky

Meh, it's in Japanese I know. I don't care.

This song is too sad...

Have an English Dubbed version, which in my opinion is even better than the original:

I want to write a story but my writing skills are too fail... too insignificant to express the power emotions in this song...

When you are overflown with cold tears,
and when the time is ripe,
you'd probably have sought out light,
and shattered darkness.
The Persian-red singing voice
slowly dyes your chest the same color,
as if it's an eternally yearning
and swiftly dispersing melody.
In the stillness of the shining sky
is my backyard garden.
Some day you will finally reach
the other side of the shore.
The night's darkness, while guarding the moon,
whispers along a lullaby, on and on,
until the eyes of the children,
who no longer cry, become soaked in dreams.
Since I will never see you a second time,
it feels like my chest is being hollowed out
by the night, dearly and madly.
In the stillness of the shining sky
is your home of return.
Beyond the darkness where the moon sinks
is a narrow path that leads you
back to the beginning.

I have a dream at last...
The butterfly trapped in the spiderweb had no wings...
That butterfly...is me...

Thursday 17 May 2012

So I wrote a poem

In the grim darkness of the far future…

As the darkness clashes with the purity
Of Innocence
The wicked corners of one’s mind
Conjures up the images
Of grotesque shadows dancing in the dim streetlight
Tainted with red
As the small child
Clutching a headless bear in her arms
Weeps to the corpses that not so long ago
Held her and read bedtime stories to her
Yes I shall write and
The words that fall upon the page
Were twisted, tangled and torn
The heart that spills ink
As black as night
Was pierced with shatters of broken emotion
Imagination takes you to the darkest corner of the earth
As I sit before the lighted screen
And type out the words
So powerful, yet
So fragile
Like the thin thread
That fate lies upon

There is only war…

Grimdark:  An adjective taken from the root words of grim and darkness, both of which are featured in the tagline for Warhammer 40,000: "In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war." It is usually used to describe a setting that would equal poor living conditions and life expectancies for those actually living in it.


The Battle For The Chicken

On a fat-ass dinosaur, Nimblepopkins punched his chicken. He had been busy with the chicken for hours and now wanted nothing more than a Bloody cuddle or a silly massage from his lover Birchadee.

He said this last thought out loud, and all of a sudden his Gorey Birchadee appeared at the door, grinning knightly. 

"Put down the chicken," Birchadee said cat-ly. "Unless you want me to punch that chicken on your ankle."

Nimblepopkins put down the chicken. He was Pretty. He had never seen Birchadee so Lovely before and it made him Scary.

Birchadee picked up the chicken, then withdrew a table from his eye socket. "Don't be so Pretty," Birchadee said with a Lovely grimace. "A dodo-bird bit my earlobe this morning, and everything became bluish. Now with this chicken and this table I can cat-ly rule the world!"

Nimblepopkins clutched his Flakey earlobe grimly. This was his lover, his Gorey Birchadee, now staring at him with a Lovely eye socket.

"Fight it!" Nimblepopkins shouted. "The dodo-bird just wants the chicken for his own Gorey devices! He doesn't love you, not the Bloody way I do!"

Nimblepopkins could see Birchadee trembling grimly. Nimblepopkins reached out his ankle and touched Birchadee's eye socket cat-ly. He was Gorey, so Gorey, but he knew only his Flakey love for Birchadee would break the dodo-bird's spell.

Sure enough, Birchadee dropped the chicken with a thunk. "Oh, Nimblepopkins," he squealed. "I'm so Bloody, can you ever forgive me?"

But Nimblepopkins had already moved on a fat-ass dinosaur. Like your dog who is a faggot, he pressed his ankle into Birchadee's eye socket. And as they fell together in a bluish fit of love, the chicken lay on the floor, Scary and forgotten.